Το Vestlyd Type V15C ειναι ζευγος ηχειων βασεως 2 δρομων με ομοκεντρικη (coaxial) μοναδα που υλοποιειται με 1x 15" woofer και 1x 1" compression driver-tweeter TI dome. Ευαισθησια 95db, προσληψη ισχυος 10-500 watts.
Άμεση Διαθεσιμότητα
Το Vestlyd Type V15C ειναι ζευγος ηχειων βασεως 2 δρομων με ομοκεντρικη (coaxial) μοναδα που υλοποιειται με 1x 15" woofer και 1x 1" compression driver-tweeter TI dome. Ευαισθησια 95db, προσληψη ισχυος 10-500 watts.
Οι εικονιζεμενες βασεις δεν περιλαμβανονται στην τιμη. Κοστιζουν 229€.
Εγγυηση Αντιπροσωπειας. Δυνατοτητα δοσεων.
When only the best will do! V15C delivers insane dynamics, soundstage, and heavy bass, even in huge rooms. With its 15” woofer and 95 dB sensitivity, V15C is as much a physical experience as it is a musical one. You can finally feel the impact when those orcs clash into the staunch line of heavily armored elves, or the slap of the bass drum in your favorite tracks. No subwoofer needed!
Coaxial Design
The design of Vestlyd is heavily inspired by vintage speakers from the 70s, but the special coaxial construction is more than a fancy design; it has audible advantages too. In this design, the compression tweeter is mounted directly in the back of the motor system of the woofer, solving the crucial time alignment issue between the two drivers. At the same time, the woofer has a horn-like effect on the tweeter, optimizing SPL – an added benefit of the design! We call this special speaker type: Power Monitor.
Wide Sweet Spot
Most coaxial loudspeakers are tuned to be very direct in their sound, need to be toed in and only really sound good in the absolute sweet spot; especially at high frequencies, they can be very beamy. Vestlyd, however, is designed to have very wide dispersion, with a sweet spot that is much wider than what you'd normally get in speakers like these. With this special coaxial design, you get the best from both worlds: perfect time alignment and an even spread of the sound, even at high frequencies. Consequently, Vestlyd speakers do not need to be toed in!
Made to be LOUD
Make no mistake: Vestlyd go LOUD. A pair of these speakers can deliver a sound pressure level in excess of 130 dB, effectively giving you concert levels of sound with low distortion. Be aware that listening at these levels can be dangerous for your hearing! We applied advanced FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulations and measurement equipment to optimize every element – from the voice coil to the cone for high-power performance.
Technical Details