Το Furutech FI-52 R ειναι βυσμα IEC C19 20A με επιχρυσωμενους αγωγους. Σωμα κατασκευασμενο απο μη μαγνητικα υλικα.
Δυνατοτητα δοσεων.
- α (Alpha) Pure-Copper Rhodium-plated Conductor
- Earth (Ground) Jumper System (US Patent No.: 6,669,491/European:EP1445837)
- Nylon/fiberglass body with a special anti-resonance nano-sized crystalline, piezo ceramic particles and carbon damping material
- Multilayered nonmagnetic stainless steel and silver plated carbon fiber housing incorporating an acetal copolymer. The best of damping and insulation materials improve frequency extension and tonal balance
- Specified for cable diameters from 6mm to 20mm
- FI-52 NCF Body length 41.1mm x 34.5mm diameter / 77.2mm overall length
- Metal cable clamp improves grip and reduces mechanically and electrically induced distortion