Mytek Empire Stereo silver

Ο Mytek Empire Stereo ειναι 2x200 wrms at 8Ω ή 400 wrms bridge at 8Ω, τελικος ενισχυτης αρχιτεκτονικης dual mono, κατασκευασμενος με Ganfet Power Modules τα οποια οδηγουν Gallium Nitride transistors.


Διαθεσιμότητα: 4-10 ημέρες


Ο Mytek Empire Stereo ειναι 2x200 wrms at 8Ω ή 400 wrms bridge at 8Ω, τελικος ενισχυτης αρχιτεκτονικης dual mono, κατασκευασμενος με Ganfet Power Modules τα οποια οδηγουν Gallium Nitride transistors.

Εγγυηση Αντιπροσωπειας. Δυνατοτητα δοσεων, ανταλλαγων.

The Empire Stereo dual monos are half rack width (8.5 inch), 2U tall (3.5 inch) monoblock power amplifier designed to match the Empire Streamer cosmetically and sonically to create the best ever sounding Mytek Electronics to be paired with the highest resolution monitor speakers.

The heart of Empire Monoblocks is the newly designed Mytek Ganfet Power Module, the power amplifier stage utilizing the newest range of ultra fast Gallium Nitride transistors.

Because of the wonders of GanFET technology, distortion resulting from transistor switching are reduced by magnitutedes, thus allowing a very gentle negative feedback and triode like behavior of the output stage transfer characteristic. The resulting sound has a silky top and beautiful midrange with a 3D sound stage and detail, just like with the best tubes, yet it retains the tight bass, control and dynamics of a large transistor amplifier.


  • Power Output:
    • 400W/ 4Ω, 200W 8Ω  Stereo Mode
    • 400W/ 4Ω, 200W 8Ω  Bi-Amp Mode
    • 700W/ 4Ω, 400W 8Ω  Bridge Mode
  • THD 0.005% (average level)
  • GAIN 23 or 29dB selectable
  • Inputs: RCA or XLR
  • Input Inpedance: 10kOhm
  • Power Supply: 800W low noise toroid linear power supply
  • Line Power: 100-240VAC Auto
  • Dimensions: (WxDxH) 216x225x100+25(tube)mm
  • Weight: 14kg
  • Chassis: Made from single piece of aluminium.Silver Matte or Black

GanFET Modules


Why is GanFET a game changing and likely the most dominant amplifier technology of the future?

Short GanFET primer by Michal Jurewicz, Mytek Chief Designer

Mytek has been designing digital audio converters for recording industry since 1992. In 2017 we undertook a strategic decision to build the complete digital audio path “from the wifi to the speaker”. Our extensive experience in all types of DAC circuits, including 1 bit and multibit delta sigma designs became valuable when designing our first Class D amplifier - the Brooklyn AMP, because the architecture of the Class D amp is somewhat similar to a DAC - it’s a digital loop with PWM instead of DSD. When we began work on the Empire Monoblocks in 2020 with engineer Grzegorz Jankowicz, we quickly noticed, that the existing MOSFET based Class D designs can approach, but never surpass the best solid state A/B designs and that the core issue is the nature of Class D distortion, ie the effect of these masking the finest resolution of incoming audio, resulting in flat and reduced soundstage, sounding like audio truncated to 14 or even 12 bits, with particular harshness on the top that’s always there, impossible to overcome. While there are new MOSFET amp modules on the market achieving very good measured specs through application of massive negative feedback, we were not impressed by their subjective sonic performance. For variety of reasons related to circuit dynamic performance, large amount of negative feedback just never sounded good to my ears. We have hit the wall with Class D MOSFET and took upon examining the new breed of GanFET Class D designs, championed, in the form of eval boards, by distinguished Skip Taylor. We also listened to early new GanFET designs from a handful of companies, the AGD of California, Atmasphere, Orchard Audio and Technics and deemed them extremely promising soundwise. We decided to built our own, most advanced, high speed version of the GanFET circuit which fixes the MOSFET Class D problems, starting with its sound quality. The mechanism of why GanFET sounds better is simple: it produces a waveform that’s much closer to an ideal square one, as explained in the graphs above. Fixing the waveform shape, fixes the sound, but there are more advantages: faster transistors allow for faster clock and thus higher bandwidth of the amp. Efficiency jumps from about 85% to 95% eliminating the need for heatsinks, EMI is also reduced. This approach, combined with very low negative feedback creates a topology almost identical to a Class A or tube circuit resulting in unmistakable subjective similarity of perception of the type of sound; the highs are unmistakably tube like. Unlike in tubeamp though, the bass is precisely controlled by ultra low output impedance. Unlike tubeamp, GanFET does not have output transformers, resulting in more immediate and more realistic detail and transients. It’s not an accident, Atmasphere having traditionally built tube amps chose the GanFET, nor that AGD designed a Gantube TM . Mytek opted to highlight this sonic aspect with a decorative tube imitation. GanFET delivers the best sound of both worlds, it is a modern design with Class A sound but 95% efficiency. It never gets hot. No feedback GanFET sound is extremely promising too. For the Empire GanFET amps, we have opted for a large linear power supply, because of its ability to deliver better transients than a switcher. Empire Amps are powered by a unique Mytek GanFET Power Module TM hybrid circuit which contains the main amp circuits and controls. Design of GanFET circuitry is not trivial. Because of 50 Amps being switched in few nsec, it requires a high speed layout and components, dedicated special protection circuitry and microcontrollers. My prediction is that in the next 10 years, GanFET Class D will become a dominant amplification technology in both HiFi and Pro Audio. When properly implemented, GanFET is a technology with numerous breakthrough advantages and pretty much no downsides. And finally, all GanFET designs we heard do not sound the same. (c) Mytek, New York, June 2024

for more try this podcast: what-is-the-future-of-digital-audio-class-d-gan-more-an-interview-with-michal-jurewicz-of-mytek-audio/

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