Nottingham Analogue Horizon with Interspace tonearm

Το Nottingham Analogue Horizon συνοδευεται με τον βραχιονα Interspace.


Διαθεσιμότητα: 4-10 ημέρες


Το Nottingham Analogue Horizon συνοδευεται με τον βραχιονα Interspace.

Εγγυηση Αντιπροσωπειας. Δυνατοτητα ανταλλαγων, δοσεων.

This turntable comes with our Interspace tonearm.  Built onto a 50mm ‘ingot’ style chassis it has a 27mm alloy platter with a black acetal bearing which contains two internal bushes, this aids with the bearing oil circulation and adds stability, creating a lovely smooth running platter. Textured black finish ( colour options and / or gloss finish at extra cost ).

After ten years, the Nottingham Analogue company decided to return to the production of the turntable, which made the small manufacture a brand recognized all over the world. This time the Nothingham Horizon turntable goes on sale with the 10-inch Interspace tonearm. The design is still based on an unusual, narrow, but quite thick and stiff chassis, which perfectly damps all vibrations. The device is also distinguished by an excellent plate, which is a cast iron. Cast iron, apart from its large mass, has a very unique feature, namely it is a material that perfectly damps all vibrations and vibrations. These features, as well as an atypical AC synchronous motor, make these turntables stand out with excellent sound resolution and exceptional calmness and culture of presentation.
Additionally, the set with the turntable comes with a special anti-vibration base.

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